January 3rd, 2015
Catapult wins its first account of 2015!
Lancashire-based PR consultancy Catapult PR has been appointed to handle an exciting branding, PR, copywriting and social media campaign on behalf of Preston and Tuscany-based Orchard Ovens.
An all-encompassing campaign will look at every aspect of the marketing of the world’s finest wood burning ovens, perfect for pizza, bread, roasts and more – which must be why top celebrity chefs, Hollywood actresses and other A-listers have already bought one!
Catapult has looked at the marketing campaign in a holistic fashion, suggesting branding devices that will communicate the essence of the product, as not just an oven, but a lifestyle. It has some amazing concepts to roll out through PR and social media over the coming months, but will first be focusing on the new website and how that communicates the message.
Managing director, Jane Hunt says: “Life gets interesting in PR when ideas are taken up and you know that you are handling something with massive potential. That’s the case with this account and we can’t wait to get started on it. It ticks every box for Catapult: food and catering sector, lifestyle PR, creatively-led, even Italian, enabling us to use our knowledge of Italy and the Italian language. We shall be targeting a wide range of media and want this to be a campaign that really flies.
“It am delighted with everything that’s on the books so far in 2015, as even existing clients have big news to communicate this year, which means we have an injection of vibrancy and are not stuck in a rut, having to do the same old things we were doing last year. This is just the start of what will be a year in which we don’t have to hold back, partly thanks to other reasons that will act as a massive motivation,
It feels like a whole new beginning and we already know of people who would like to be a part of that, which is an amazing feeling to have when it’s only January 3.”
This is the third new client win for Catapult in the last six weeks and could just be the tip of the iceberg, if other projects gain funding and if conversations that were mooted in December now take place over the next few weeks. Watch this space!