March 13th, 2013
Exciting News With Which To End The Day!
I have really learned something important in the last few weeks and that’s not to write anything off until you’re told that you’re not needed! A few weeks ago, I was convinced that a pitch hadn’t been successful, having heard nothing and having had no response to follow-up emails. To my amazement, I was then appointed.
Today, I have heard some fabulously positive news about a tourism/sustainability tender that I was first approached about over Christmas and to which I responded in late January/early February when I slaved over it for hours! I was really disappointed not to hear anything, as I thought I had had some really strong ideas that excited even me, the originator! It now transpires that other people thought so too, which is so exciting and well worth raising a glass of red to tonight. I’ve been driving my son mad with the “Do you know, I thought I’d had some really good ideas in that one” line for weeks, so I am sure he will be very relieved to find someone has finally shut me up!
It’s true to say that I have been approached by some clients months or even years after first pitching and everyone has to ease their way into the idea of being involved with PR – and Catapult’s distinctive brand of PR as well. You don’t always fall instantly in love with PR, but I think that when you do, everything else seems a little bit ordinary.
Sometimes, we even get the call up after another agency was appointed and failed, or called back in when an attempt at doing PR in house hasn’t got anywhere. Sometimes, people just really miss Catapult and get withdrawal symptoms!
So it really isn’t over until the fat lady sings and who knows what else might suddenly spring up? I’m now racking my brains thinking what other seeds I’ve sown! The latest news has put a real spring in my step – and I’m definitely a girl who loves spring. It was a much-needed boost today, which has had a touch of the déjà vu about it if I wind back to 1999. Having something exciting to end the day with, or celebrate at the end of the working week, is definitely something to love about life and put a broad smile back on the face.