Gauntlet Brokerage Builder: the try before you fly way to become your own insurance broking boss

November 7th, 2023

Gauntlet Brokerage Builder: the try before you fly way to become your own insurance broking boss

Jane Hunt talks to one of her insurance PR clients, Roger Gaunt, managing director of Appointed Representative network, Gauntlet Group, and also to Glyn Arundale, the quality assurance manager at Gauntlet, about the new and groundbreaking Gauntlet Brokerage Builder programme.

The interview discusses how Gauntlet Brokerage Builder allows insurance account executives, who cannot afford to set up an insurance brokerage from scratch, or who lack the confidence to do so, to build their future insurance broking business during 22 months of employment at Gauntlet, hitting milestones that will enable them to graduate as their own insurance boss, with a ready-made client portfolio, at the end of the period.

The interview outlines the other routes to becoming your own broking boss with Gauntlet – the immediate start-up option for those with some financial safety net behind them or de-authorisation, for those directly authorised brokers struggling on a daily basis, through lack of access to insurers or issues such as IT.

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