October 26th, 2024
New YouTube Channel Shares Catapult PR’s Expertise
Catapult PR is excited to report it has launched on to YouTube, bringing videos with PR, copywriting and content insight to businesses and individuals who want to know what public relations and online content could do for them.
The videos are presented by managing director, Jane Hunt, who has overcome her own personal angst at appearing on camera, to present a series of topics and discussion points, which will roll out week by week. As she says, she’s ‘channelled her inner Axl’, to overcome her ‘stage fright’ and get out in front of people.
Backing this, there is a LinkedIn newsletter, which provides a bit of background to each video and which is issued via Jane’s personal LinkedIn page.
And, the YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/@catapultpr?si=Qv9hgrunkpuXTD5L_)is now also featuring episodes from Catapult PR’s two podcasts. These are travel, pet and leisure podcast, Poodling Around, and the B2B podcast, the Catapult PR Show. Both are hosted at Libsyn and are also available from providers such as Apple and Spotify.
The first Catapult PR video – available at https://youtu.be/sOtrYFhD-fM?si=If0i-s04exXzGJpR – focuses on the key topic of thought leadership, with Jane explaining the benefits of thought leadership and how to tackle the quest to become a thought leader. As she explains, this is possible in any niche or sector and not just for businesses targeting other businesses. B2C thought leadership is also perfectly possible.
‘Thought leadership: what’s the point’, focuses on the importance of thought leadership to brand building and the establishment of consumer trust, but explores, in total, 7 different benefits.
Jane explains how Lancashire PR agency, Catapult PR, approaches thought leadership on behalf of its clients nationwide and highlights how not all agencies are able to generate a thought leadership campaign themselves. She highlights the importance of having a constant stream of ideas with which to fuel any thought leadership campaign.
The establishment of the YouTube channel has been a long time in the making and really emanates from October 2022, when Jane was carrying out part of her commitment to continual professional development, by attending a two-day social media conference in Newcastle.
There, she met the wonderful YouTube expert, Anita Wong, next to whom she sat for two days. Her reticence to get on camera was the only thing that held her back from working with Anita, instead being persuaded to try email marketing and a chatbot. Now, recognising that video is essential, she has taken the plunge.
Sharing decades of PR and content writing experience
All of this should enable Jane to share the expertise that has made her the only two-times winner of the national CIPR Excellence ‘Outstanding Practitioner’ award in the UK and a winner of the regional title on multiple occasions. It will also allow her to delve into examples of campaigns carried out during what is nearly 27 years of Catapult PR – campaigns which have already put 67 awards in the trophy cabinet and achieved well over 80 additional finalist positions for awards.
At times, she will go back even further, drawing on examples from her career pre-Catapult PR, when she worked in-house for international freightforwarder MSAS, the South West Electricity Board, British Gas South Western, British Gas HQ (London) and Swinton Insurance.
She may also reference award-winning campaigns for Privilege Insurance, Bar-be-Quick disposable barbecues and Yorkshire Bank, which she masterminded when employed in other agencies.
With a sharp focus on travel and tourism PR, insurance PR, financial services PR, public relations and marketing for pet sector businesses, retail and community PR campaigns, not to mention heritage, historic homes marketing and hospitality, Jane will be really adding value for clients in these sectors.
Jane says, “We are as known for being a specialist travel, tourism and heritage PR agency, as we are an insurance and financial services PR agency. Sometimes, our fantastic PR campaigns for retail, community, pet trade brands and a wide variety of B2B clients, go under the radar. The YouTube channel should help to change that and help highlight that our talents are transferrable across a variety of sectors and briefs.
“Furthermore, it should also cast light on to the amount of work we do with digital content and online copywriting – for blogs, content downloads and social media. People will be finding out a lot more about Catapult PR and discovering things they never knew.”
Subscribe for Catapult PR’s new channel and also connect with Jane Hunt on LinkedIn.