June 13th, 2015
Week 1 With Our New Website

Jane Hunt, Catapult PR
Abbiamo avuto una settimane incredibile or, in English, we’ve had an incredible week. We only got our website up and running on Monday, but we’ve already been approached to handle a tourism campaign in Italy that couldn’t be more perfect a fit with our skills set if we tried!
We’ve been liaising with an agency in Italy, over the last few days, presented credentials and are now ready to Skype, to take things further. Targeting more businesses in Italy is on the game plan, but we never imagined we’d be approached by an Italian company in advance of this!
We’ve also had another great business enquiry – for another high profile tourism PR campaign – on home soil in Lancashire and have welcomed a brand new marketing and PR client, again in our home county of Lancashire.
We’ve been busy arranging promotions with easyJet for our client in Italy and have utilised the findings of a YouGov survey, to help publicise the popularity of wood-fired cooking in advance of Orchard Ovens by Valoriani’s Wood-Fired Oven Sunday.
Our media coverage is going through the roof for certain story lines and we’ve even fired the imagination of very local journalists with new clients’ stories.
As per, we’ve not managed to do much for ourselves, other than get our beautiful new website up and running. Whilst ‘one’ took a risk by stating one was tired of the ‘same old, same old’ colour theme (let’s face it, one has had it for 15 years, if right in thinking that our first website came along in 2000), that bit of foot-putting-down was entirely justified, as something very different emerged, determined by the colour scheme dictated by our lead photograph.
We have an underlying theme in the new website – that of ‘making clients stand out from the crowd’. In the last few weeks, after a truly great last day in Bologna, we’ve realised how much we can do that for clients overseas, as well as those at home. That makes life truly sweet, even if it means spending every last minute trying to get the Italian back up to the A’ Level standard it was in 2011.
As for our food PR and cookery school PR client in Bologna, they have a reccy for a UK TV programme (to be sold worldwide) this week and it may be too great a temptation not to go out for the filming at the very end of August. It’s been a week in which invites to the Maine Lobster Festival and Amalfi have been issued, but Bologna definitely beckons again – an incredible place, with an incredible client, who’s been a launch-pad for our overseas work. The future’s very bright … and, if the new account comes off, it won’t just be Bologna that we’re visiting on business!