When is a pizza oven not a pizza oven?

February 7th, 2023

When is a pizza oven not a pizza oven?

Have you ever wondered what distinguishes a good pizza oven from a poor one, or tried to work out what a pizza oven could add to your UK lifestyle or outdoor kitchen? Do you known the pitfalls of buying some pizza ovens? What sort of pizza oven do you really need?

Jane Hunt interviews Andrew Manciocchi, the man who brought the very first wood-fired pizza ovens to the UK 20 years ago, to get the low-down on what Brits need to know about cooking with wood. The valuable advice should help anyone poodle around their patio, achieving their outdoor cooking goals and enriching their alfresco lifestyle, rather than making the wrong choice for them and possibly wasting big sums of money.

The podcast is just one with food and drink PR clients at Catapult PR, which has extensive experience in catering PR and hospitality.

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